Saturday, March 03, 2007


Everyone's sick. COugh, cold, flu, Sore throat. These are the common ones. Fortunately/unfortunately i'm not having any one of these. Instead, i;ve got ccold sore. Yeah, cold sore on my lip. NO!!! I didn't kissed anyone or neither did i have oral sex (which are the common causes of cold sore). I got it due to extreme stress that leads to poor immune system (i'm really weak, sigh~).

This would be my second time having cold sore. The previous one was about 4 to 5 years ago, before SPM. I rememebered going to my GP and telling him i've got tiny vesicles on my lips (at that time it affected both my upper and lower lips concurrently, the pain was killing me at that time!!). The 1st thing he asked: Did u just had a kiss with ur bf? Or just had oral sex? At that moment, my mom's eyes nearly popped out. He concluded that it can be due to extreme stress...

See, stress is killing me! Essays, class tests, research projects. All these are killers! Muahaha... Hence, i'm gonna rest and have fun before start doing anything related to all those.... (wat an excuse for me be 'nua').....WAHAHAHA...

By the way, shud be going to Manchester next week!! Anyone got any idea wat's nice to eat n visit over there? Any suggestion???

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