Saturday, July 16, 2005


yea, i went for an exercise today! i went jogging around my condo this evening. it was kinda a half jog, half walk kinda thing (cos i don't have the stamina to jog for so long, don't aspect to much fr a gal who hasn't been exercising for ages!!). started my exercise at around quarter to 6 and ended one hour later. felt great after sweating, tho i don't really fancy exercising. but after today's jog/walk, i feel like doing it more often.

seriously need to do more exercise. eunice has been going for yoga classes and other body pumping and bla bla bla exercises (i've forgotten the name of those classes). ah theng as usual, jogs every evening, and i'm the only one who's not doing any form of exercise except for sitting in front of the tv or my laptop.

went for dinner with my cousin and his family after the exercise. we had lotsa hawker food this evening. i actually went to the restaurant/coffee shop where junie's aunt operates her business. we ordered 2 claypots of fish head curry (tasted really great!), satay (so-so), chicken wings (so-so), yong tau foo (good!), penang lobak (good, but chow yang's taste better), asam laksa (quite good but can't fight with my mom's) and honeydew campur susu for me (my fav!!). it was a great dinner. eunice, if u ever come and visit me, i'll bring u there and try out those food!!

my dad called up joel (the apple salesperson) and he told my dad that the ipod is available. yet, i'm not excited about it at all. don't know y. i don't feel like getting it. i feel like i'm wasting my dad's money. it's not that i won't be using that gadget very often, but i think it's kinda expensive. i should have get a normal mp3 player instead of ipod!!

i realised that after getting into uni, i've been spending alot, not my own money, but my parents' (that's even worse!). i've started getting branded stuffs (i consider them branded), probably influenced by my friends (or maybe it's just an excuse). i felt horrible. i'm such a spoilt kid!! my parents never go for branded things cos they feel that they don't need all those stuffs (they say: even if we wear all those fcuk clothings also nobody look at ler). they said that it's better for them to save up and let me buy those things that i want. now, u should know how i feel. i'm such a bad kid!!

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